Johanna Lianne van de Laar (born in the Netherlands, currently residing in Germany) is a visual artist who's work mainly explores the ongoing causal relationship between human beings and nature. It deals with the commodification of the environment by humans and particularly questions the adaptation and change of nature in "service" of human growth and prosperity in relation to our sensibility.

Van de Laar is fascinated by technical acceleration and its influence on natural processes. Artificiality meets reality. What is reality anyway? What is natural?

The collaboration with scientists, artists and people from industry and business combine artistic as well as political demands. Art is not just beautiful. Art for her is at least a question.


Deriving from her interest in philosophy, biology, science and history the major part of her work is invested in a research trajectory approach to draw interconnectedness while striving to demonstrate an autonomous perspective. She builds on a minimalistic and graphic language through materiality and processes with photography, video, collage and installation while she wanders between memories and future visions.


Lianne van de Laar got accepted into the Academy of Arts Tilburg at the age of sixteen and completed her audiovisual art and photography studies in 2004 at the HKU. Since then she has worked as an independent and collaborative artist with autonomous and applied art and educational projects. When she moved to Leipzig in 2013 she was invited to adapt her work to on-stage video concepts for Theaters in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and to create installations, video - and photography work for several exhibitions and art events.

CV selected

projects and publications

2022  video artwork - MZIN x MdbK - Museum der Bildende Künste Leipzig

2021  video artwork - Hail to the Sun - Mizerák

2021  co-creation - interdisciplinary performance project - Frau* mit Wagen

2020  The Silencing of Nature - multimedia - continuing and current project

2020   video concept, Living the City, Tempelhof, Berlin (up)

2018  video concept - Das Schloss / Kafka - Schauspiel Frankfurt (up)

2017  video artwork - Paradies Fluten - Akademie Theater Vienna

2016  video artwork - Cosi fan Tutte - Deutsche Oper Berlin

2016  video artwork - Tod eines Handlungsreisenden - Staatstheater Stuttgart

2016  video artwork - Die Bacchen - Theater Basel

2015  video artwork - weber - Twin A

2015  short film - Fade to Black - Dirty Design -

     Fashion Film Festival Maastricht

2015  collaborative video performance as CC.LL -

     improvisation video performance with The Group - OSE - Leipzig

2014  light/video installation - CC.LL – live performance and concept -

     AudioInvasion - Gewandhaus - Leipzig

2014  live performance – Institut für Zukunft - Leipzig

2014  video artwork - Richard III – Theater Stuttgart

2014  video artwork - Legowelt – Holiday in Paradise

2014  video artwork - Weber – Somehowalovesong

2014  video Installation – live visual performance, Conne Island, Leipzig

2014  21e Leipziger Jahresausstellung catalogue

2014  video artwork - Dream Weapons – Moonland

2014  video artwork - Timoka – Comer - Holger Records

2013  Bildarchive 20 Spinnerei – exhibition catalogue

2013  short film - I-Object with Mari Meyer / Philipp Weber

2013  video artwork - Margot – Trentaseitrenta

2013  video performance – Lethargy Festival - Zürich

2013  video performance - Trouw loves Nachtdigital - Amsterdam

2013  video performance - Doumen Rooftop Takeover - Leipzig

2013  video artwork – webermichelson x Praezisa Rapid 3000

2010  Sense of Absence - photography - continuing and current project

2004  since - Divers photographic publications

     CODE, ArtEZ, BIS, AMFI, a.o.


2015  light / video installation - Baustelle- Central Theater Leipzig

2015  Fade to Black , selected for Fashion Clash Film Festival - Maastricht

2014  group exhibition - 21e Leipziger Jahresausstellung - Westwerk - Leipzig

2014  group exhibition - Artwork - Many Happy Returns - Island - Hamburg

2014  group exhibition - video 'practical observations' - Island - Hamburg

2013  solo exhibition - Bildarchive #20 - Spinnerei - Leipzig

2012  current and ongoing - Van Campen Liem - Amsterdam

2008  solo exhibition, ATW, Coqc Galerie - Amsterdam

2004  current and ongoing - Herman Wesselinkcollege - Amstelveen

2004  closing exhibition - HKU - Utrecht


2020  video/light concept - Living the City -

     Tempelhof Berlin - publication cancelled due to Covid Pandemic

2014  several video works for theatres in Germany and abroad

2014  Museumweekend - video / photography - Amsterdam

2013  Auf AEG - photography - Nürnberg

2013  I Amsterdam - video - Amsterdam

2012  ArtEZ Finals - photography - Arnhem

2012  ArtEZ Fact Magazine - photography - Arnhem

2012  commissioned photographic diptique - Van Campen Liem - Amsterdam

2011  I Amsterdam - video - Amsterdam

2011  ArtEZ Fact Magazine - photography - Arnhem

2009  Art Rooms - photography - Amsterdam

2007  commissioned Art Project with illustrator Pieter-Frank de Jong - CS -


2004  commissioned art project - Herman Wesselinkcollege -



Herman Wesselink college Amstelveen

Van Campen Liem Amsterdam

educational projects / teaching

2011  AMFI, Amsterdam

2010  HVA, Amsterdam


2004 – 2006  assistant internship at artist agency POE - Amsterdam

2001 – 2004  photography / video – Academy of Arts - Utrecht

1999 – 2000  art history and archeology – University Utrecht

1996 – 1999  audiovisual studies and art – Academy of Arts - Tilburg

         (closed for fusion 1999)


2022  Work Stipendium, Stiftung Kunstfonds

2020  Denkzeit Stipendium, Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen

2018  until 2020 - Maternity leave



The copyright for all content on this website belongs to Lianne van de Laar.

No use/copy/duplications are permitted without a signed agreement by Lianne van de Laar.